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shopping cart abandonment statistics, how to reduce cart abandonment, Customer Retention, Conversion Optimization

How to Fix Shopping Cart Abandonment and 20 Stats You Should Know

Stats on cart abandonment show us it’s a persistent issue. The fundamental fix is to make your site sensitive to what shoppers want and when they begin to hesitate. But how?
Photo of our Content Strategist, Ian McKinnon
Ian McKinnonFebruary 14th 20232 min read
Four guys riding abandoned shopping carts down a city street

Cart abandonment for ecommerce businesses has long been a problem that hits hardest where it matters most: revenue loss.

It’s important to get on top of it because reducing cart abandonment can also lessen marketing costs, resolve inventory management issues, and improve data for better strategic decisions.

How you can reduce cart abandonment

The best way to reduce cart abandonment is to address it at the right time — before it happens.

AI Exit-intent Promotions with Hesitant Customer Detection technology can lower cart abandonment and increase conversion rates.

Check out how Shu Uemura used it to increase revenue by 149%, and browse the 20 stats below to see how your site compares!

Nip cart abandonment in the bud

Always know when customers are hesitating and nurture them with promotions

Shopping cart abandonment statistics

The following statistics are sourced from the excellent folks at Baymard Institute, Barilliance, National Retail Federation, Forbes, Kissmetrics, Marketing Land, SaleCyle and BigCommerce.

Abandoned shopping carts account for an average of 69.57% of all online shopping carts.

(Source: Baymard Institute)

The average cart abandonment rate is 75.6%.

(Source: Barilliance)

Approximately $18 billion worth of goods are abandoned in online shopping carts each year.

(Source: Forbes)

Approximately 8% of abandoned carts are recoverable through email follow-up.

(Source: Barilliance)

58% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts due to unexpected costs at checkout.

(Source: National Retail Federation)

53% of shopping carts are abandoned due to slow page load times.

(Source: Kissmetrics)

23% of customers who abandon their shopping carts do so because they want to compare prices with other retailers.

(Source: Baymard Institute)

19% of customers abandon their shopping carts because they were not ready to purchase.

(Source: Marketing Land)

On average, retailers only recover 2% of lost sales from shopping cart abandonment.

(Source: Barilliance)

35% of customers abandon their shopping carts due to lengthy or complicated checkout processes.

(Source: National Retail Federation)

40% of customers abandon their shopping carts because of a lack of payment options.

(Source: National Retail Federation)

13% of shopping carts are abandoned because of website errors or crashes.

(Source: Kissmetrics)

81% of shoppers who have abandoned a cart say they would return to purchase if offered a discount.

(Source: SaleCycle)

70% of customers who abandon their shopping carts say they plan on returning to the site to complete their purchase.

(Source: SaleCycle)

1 in 4 customers will abandon their cart if they find the shipping costs too high.

(Source: BigCommerce)

Shopping cart abandonment rates are highest on mobile devices, at 85.65%.

(Source: Baymard Institute)

47% of customers abandon their shopping carts because they wanted to save items for later.

(Source: Marketing Land)

The average value of an abandoned shopping cart is $68.

(Source: SaleCycle)

Over 60% of customers who abandon a shopping cart say they do so because of poor website navigation.

(Source: SaleCycle)

33% of customers abandon their shopping carts because they can't find the information they need.

(Source: National Retail Federation)

Final thoughts on how to fix cart abandonment

Cart abandonment is a persistent issue for ecommerce and there are lots of ways to fix it. One way forward is to make your site sensitive to what shoppers are looking for and when they begin to hesitate.

If you can engage your customers at the optimal time with just the right promotion you stand a great chance of converting more shoppers —after all, once they’ve added to cart the hardest part is done and they just need a little nudge to complete their customer journey!

Shopping cart overflowing with boxes with the title how to fix shopping cart abandonment and 20 stats you should know

Hesitant shoppers are potential conversions

Reduce cart abandonment with AI Exit-intent Promotions featuring Hesitant Customer Detection