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Conversion rate optimization, CRO marketing, CRO tools, CRO web analytics

Empathetic CRO Marketing Tools for Customer Behavior, Product Preferences

CRO software that knows your customers and converts them
Author - Zenda Nel
Zenda NelJuly 7th 20224 min read
Small yellow flower between two hands.

As a brand operator, you already know the value of data. You are already keeping a hawk’s eye on your conversion rates, but you are not sure if you’re doing the best possible job. How do you know that you are working with the best tool for the job when there are thousands of options on the market?

You know you need a tool that both analyzes and converts, that not only delivers insights about how shoppers behave, but also what they want. These tools provide you with all-important unique customer preferences that can turbocharge your conversion rates by increasing average order value instead of just “testing and tweaking.”

Empathetic CRO tools for customer data true believers

Ecommerce marketers who are in the know are committed to CRO tools because of their data collection abilities and the value of consumer insights. For them, it’s just a question of choosing the right tool because there are a couple of invaluable benefits:

Data-driven market agility

These marketers are in touch with the benefits of customer data insights. The tools they use monitor customer preferences and other factors closely, which allows digital marketing teams to adjust product development, and respond rapidly changing markets. For them, the data points are customer feedback instances that guide their marketing projects.

Data-driven brand building

Most marketers are primarily brand operators and the advent of CRO tools has enabled data-driven brand building. Data analysis provides more complete customer profiles, and the creation of a customer experience that’s truly customer centric — the key to modern brand building. Marketing has changed: brand operators now know that understanding what customers are looking for and providing it well has become a more effective differentiator than price.

Over 10 years deep into the age of the customer:

Timeline of the last 120 years

CRO software that analyzes customer behavior and preferences

The power of CRO tools lies in their ability to collect useful data. These tools reveal what customers are looking for by providing data on how they interact with your website. This qualitative data is vital for escalating conversion rates.

Customer behavior analytics


This popular user behavior analytics tool uses heatmaps and session recordings to measure and track user behavior and feedback. Hotjar alerts marketers to user pain points like website bugs, broken links, and low-performing design.

Hotjar logo

Hotjar features feedback tools like on-site surveys and Incoming Feedback so marketers can hear directly from customers. This tool combines analytics with feedback, which enables marketers to improve user experience and conversion rates.

Crazy Egg

This conversion rate optimization software provides valuable customer insights through heat map, scroll, confetti, and overlay map. The tool allows you to test changes you made in light of the data it provides.

crazy egg logo

Preference analytics

At Rosetta AI we make preference analytics software optimized for ecommerce teams of self-proclaimed data lovers in the fashion industry. It drills down to product attributes that matter to fashion-conscious customers, like size, length, style, fabric, and color.

Rosetta AI improves product tags for fashion-savvy shoppers with its enormous databases of over 1000 fashion and beauty optimized product tags written by fashion industry experts.

Rosetta AI shopper profile mockup

The software uses these tags to track shoppers as they browse your site and then shows you clearly what apparel, beauty, and accessory attributes each customer prefers, so you can target them with what you know they want.

Rosetta AI preference profile mockups

Then you can make 1-to-1 personalized recommendations on any page of your site, including the checkout page where you’re most likely to score a cross-sell. There is no better customer insight than that!

Codibook product details page with a Rosetta AI preference profile mockup

What does CRO marketing mean to you?

CRO means different things across businesses and industries. Some need to optimize their surveys for customer feedback and others need the best pop-ups and overlays, while many focus on email optimization. Of course, in all this, top content and how customers interact with your website content is also crucial. And some need to go the extra mile.

Especially in certain industries like fashion ecommerce. Clothing is a very personal affair. Just showing pretty pictures of your latest range won’t do the trick. Customers are individuals with individual tastes. To succeed in fashion ecommerce, that extra mile means gaining deep and meaningful consumer insights from first-party customer data that reveal the preferences of each of your customers.

Why having CRO software is a huge advantage

In light of the HubSpot finding that 69% of marketing specialists keep lead conversion as their top priority, it’s worrying that more than two-thirds (68%) of small businesses don’t have a documented or structured conversion rate optimization strategy in place. This in spite of the fact that CRO software is crucial for business success as it can lead to increased revenue per visitor.

Basic CRO web analytics: a good place to start

In terms of comfort with the use of web analytics, marketers are at different levels. There are those who are more comfortable with offline marketing and are only beginning to investigate marketing tools. And there are others that are really into CRO web analytics. Let’s have a closer look at basic CRO web analytics.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics tool being used by more than 80% of the top 10,000 sites on the internet. Google Analytics lets you collect relevant and reliable data, and helps you to analyze the data for insights that you can use to improve your business.

GA logo

Basic CRO web analytics like this helps you to track your website activity, where your traffic comes from, and your conversion rates in real-time. The tools provide basic metrics like sessions, session duration, bounce rates, new users, and average engagement time. It is a free tool, but there is an option to upgrade to Google Analytics 360, which provides more data.

Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics helps marketers to integrate real-time data from multiple channels, including web, mobile, video, IoT, app, email marketing, and more.

Adobe Analytics logo

Adobe Analytics monitors a wide range of crucial metrics, including user flow, and customer conversion rates, presenting it in stunning, visually pleasing reports that is easy to understand. An outstanding feature of this CRO web analytics tool is its use of predictive analytics.

Google Optimize 360

Google Optimize 260 is a free website optimization tool that integrates with Google Analytics. It’s a testing platform that marketers use to test the efficiency of their marketing efforts.

Google optimize 360 logo

he tool enables  A/B testing, multivariate testing (MVT), and split-testing different versions of headlines, subject lines, banners, and much more, so you can determine which version performs better.

Final thoughts

CRO is to marketing what a streak of sunlight is to a dark room: it reveals important hidden details. It’s not just about conversion, it’s about illuminating what details that will convert and understanding them more deeply.

So CRO software should collect qualitative data about how visitors use your website. But more importantly, these tools should reveal what customers want so that marketers can make plans to provide.

Rosetta AI 1-to-1 Personalization Platform

Get to really know your customers, cross-sell more, boost AOV and ROAS, try it for free!